
The Lower Silesia Monument’s Miniatures Park has been established in Kowary in the neighborhood of a carpet factory. The goal is to create a euroregion information centre. Visitors of the Park have the unique opportunity to get familiar with monuments reproduced precisely in 1:25 scale.

  • 58-530 Kowary, ul. Zamkowa 9
  • tel. +48 75 75 222 42, +48 661 699 699
  • Open daily:
  • 10:00 - 16:00

Our Park is friendly also for disableds that are moving on wheelchairs. A proof of this situation is a big number of groups that are comming to our Park from all Poland like also from beyond the border.

Today after four months of hard work in our Studio there was the oficial expose of Wroclaw’s Towns Hall miniature in our Park.

This is a title of the reportage about our new object in the Park in “Wroclawska” Nwespaper. Have a nice reading.

Today our Park visited journalist from “Wroclawska” Newspaper. He wanted to get some informations about the Town Hall of Lower Silesia’s capitol model that has been made in our Studio. Full reportage about the pearl of city’s architecture will be in tommorow’s edition of the newspaper, but the first mention about the newest object in our Park are all ready on newspapers’s webside. The first presentation will be on next saturday. We sincerely inviting!!!

Today a snack bar has been opened where hungry and thirsty quests have an opportunity to get stronger especially during hot summer days .

From more than six years our Park has been cooperated with “Baumeister” a well known German travel agency which amongst other offers visiting our Park. The travel agency “Baumeister” sends about 80 coaches to the park per year.



The model of Wrocław’s city hall that we were working on is almost finished now. The results of the construction can be visible in every detail. The miniature will adorn our Park most likely next week.

As we announced earlier you can now take a virtual stroll along the paths of Miniature Park

This month in our park a friendly  girl from Chech Republic is taking part in tourist services practices. Krystyna from Rokytnice nad Jezirou speaks Chech and Polish fluently.

At the beginning of summer holidays in Kotlina Jeleniogórska a project for local volunteer  fire brigade was organised. The main goal was to broaden the knowlegde of how to prevent fires. Visiting our Park was an additional highlight, during which young  fire fighters were acquainted with the most important  monuments of their region.

Recently “Regionalny Tygodnik Informacyjny” has become the official mass media promoter. In return for our publicity in form of a banner it will promote the Park in its magazine/newspaper.

Today the Park visited television Polonia. Our guest wanted to make a reportage about The Park of Monuments from Lower Silesia Miniatures to periodic programme “Treasure undiscovered”. Mr Marian Piasecki, the creator of the Park, told the history of our attraction and story about it’s main miniatures. The Program will uppear on Polonia TV on 23.05.2010 (Sunday) on 16:10 pm. and repetition will be on 25.05.2010 (tuesday) on 09:30 am.


We inviting you heartily to see it.

Each element is preped witch greate attention and look after every detal of Wrocław's pearl. The visual effect of artistic works is seenable

20 April 2010 in Groundschool nr 1 in Kowary was XXXIII Province Elimitation Genelar Polish Knowladge About Fire “Young People Prevent Fire”. The elimination were organisated by Managment of Privince Section of Volonteer Fire Departament Association Republic of Poland from Lower Silesia i Wroclaw. Additional attraction was a visit in Park of Monument from Lower Silesia Miniature during which the participants could admire the most beatiful monuments of Lower Silesia in 1:25 scale. The youth was supported by ivited guests. Zdzisław Średniawski – Lower Silesia’s vicegovernor, T. Włodarczyk – The Chief of protection against fire in Regional State Forest Managment, J. Słończyk – Town’s State Fire Departament Commander in Jelenia Góra, B. Szumowski – headforester of Headforestry Kowary and Czesław Mikicki – the secretary of Kowary town.

Going opposite to our guest expentations we installed a modern entry system. A swival door will abbreviate the line in front of entry to the Park and will save the time of our visitors as well.

We invite you warmly

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